Man bouldering with helpful mindset

A Helpful Mindset for Climbers

Climbing, like all sport, requires both physical and mental training. Both are muscles that grow when you train them, and atrophy when you neglect them. In this article, we’re going to discuss how to have a mindset that helps you get to the top of your project!

Picture in your head the climbing path. This should be the first thing you do before you touch the starting holds. This will prevent you from fumbling mid-route and looking lost. It is the most efficient way to send a problem because you would have a direction of where to head when you begin. Plan your direction and your beta. Knowing where to place your hands and feet beforehand would help you with your attempts and thus saving energy and skin.

Like a warrior approaching the battlefield, approach your climbs the same way. Observe your psych the next time you climb. Do you climb better with vigor or passivity? With the right amount of enthusiasm, you can improve your physical climbing capabilities.

Have a victor’s mindset. Many climbers would not only approach a climb with a mindset of “I can’t do this” but often not even try a climb because they have already been defeated before even trying. Yes, the climb may be above your climbing level, but it may also be just the right amount of challenge that propels you into harder climbing. Try this, whenever you find yourself thinking “I can’t do this”, instead, think “I’m going to send this!”

Projecting is 99% fall and 1% send. A climber perseveres through uncertainty and hardship. You are going to need grit to get to the top of your project. Try applying the below diagram to your climbing. 

Growth Mindset:

Flow Climbing

Melbourne Bouldering Gym in Cheltenham